Thursday, August 28, 2008

OK, another one I posted at Olympic Slash....

Doc Marten
(NOTE: This came to me after reading a story on Olympic Slash-it's obvious I'm not the only one who sees this. The Disclaimer cometh: This is a work of fiction and is meant to be taken as such. This is no indication of the actual personality, sexual orientation or relationship of Shawn Johnson or Nastia Liukin. If you don't like depictions of two women in a romantic relationship, DO NOT READ THIS. Get a life instead. And as always, I value feedback. Please email me at to let me know what you think of this. Thanks.)

After the medal ceremony, Nastia went to the dressing room, where Shawn was. She had to know-why was Shawn still so happy? She couldn't understand why the girl she had come to regard as her closest friend in the world had taken the results in stride like that. Nastia strode into the locker room and heard a familliar voice-one she knew as well as any in her world.
"Hey! The best person won tonight..and it wasn't me. I can live with that."
Nastia sat on the bench next to Shawn's locker, and studied the girl intently.
"What happened?" Nastia asked. "You always hit."
"I hit tonight." Shawn grinned. "So? That didn't matter. You did better."
Nastia couldn't figure out why Shawn wasn't depressed, upset or even crying. Hell, the entire mainstream media had already anointed her "the new Mary Lou", and yet there Shawn was. Not even fazed.
"I couldn't beat you." Shawn confessed. "The last time that were so sad. I couldn't even look you in the eyes afterwards."
"Why?!" Nastia answered. "It's not called.."
"Gymnicetics." Shawn grinned back. She took a deep breath, ready to go out on a limb.
It's funny, she thought. I can do double twisting back flips on a four inch piece of wood raised 5 feet from the ground and not even think of it, but this?....I'm scared to death.
"Nastia." Shawn began. "I couldn't beat you tonight..I knew how badly you'd take it if you lost again. I can't ever hurt you-you're too important to me. I love you."
"Love me like what?" Nastia asked, crossed fingers hidden behind her back. It was during the floods in Shawn's native Iowa that she realized just how important to her Shawn really was, and how empty her world would be should something happen to her.
"Well...not sure how to say this." Shawn grinned slightly. "I wanna....well, let's put it this way. You remember that last boyfriend you had?"
Nastia chuckled, remembering how much Shawn had disliked the guy she was seeing at the time. He was on the men's team, and basically flirted with everything that had a skirt, which hurt Nastia deeply. She had been in deep like with the guy-until she saw him kiss another girl.
"Yeah." Nastia laughed. "You were right-he turned out to be a jerk. But I don't see where this is goin', Little Bit."
Damn, did Shawn hate that nickname. The only reason she put up with it was because Nastia herself had given it to her. Another deep breath was drawn from her lungs, ready for the final confession.
"I wanted to be him. I couldn't believe he'd mess up a chance to have you, because he was tryin' to be somethin' he wasn't." Shawn shook her head, not able to go on for a moment. "I'd give every medal I've ever won if I could have you as my girl."
"When did you figure it out?" Nastia answered, curious. "When did you know how you felt about me?"
Shawn whipped out her Razr phone and intently searched for a certain text message. One she had recieved during the floods that almost destroyed Chow's Gymnastics. She found it, and then handed the phone to Nastia, blushing slightly.
Nastia gazed at the small screen and found this:
"If you need anything, let me know. I'm praying for you. I love you."
Their eyes met, and for a moment there was nobody else in the room. Nothing else mattered to either girl but each other. Nastia closed the phone and smiled, moving closer to the girl who had stolen her heart.
"I love you too, Little Bit." Nastia whispered, moving to claim the younger girls lips with a kiss.
I still hate that name. Shawn thought, in the middle of a kiss that could melt the polar ice cap. But-I can live with it.

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