Monday, August 11, 2008

In time for the Olympics....

I'm going to start publicizing this blog a little more, but first, I feel like I need to clarify some things.
1) No sexually explicit stories. This is meant for ROMANTIC slash stories, not sexfic.
2) Don't slash underage couples. This is not a hangout for pedophiles.
3) Every story must have a disclaimer. They're not that hard to do. Just say something like this: This story is a work of fiction, and not indicative of the actual personality or sexual orientation of the people involved. Since this IS an RPF site, it's a good idea to have such a disclaimer on your fic-it's called Cover Your Ass.
4) Please remember there is a reason every word processing software on the planet has something called spellcheck. USE IT. I'm not an editor-I'm just publishing this.
5) Finally, if you want to comment on the stories, use the comment function. And PLEASE, don't be rude about what you say-honest, yes-but not rude. There is a way to offer constructive criticism besides "Man, that sucks!"
AND-I haven't forgotten that I promised to post the first story on here. Almost done.

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