Saturday, August 30, 2008

Brand new's Shawn/Nastia again...

Doc Marten

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and is to be taken as such. This is no indication of the relationship, sexual orientation or actual personalities of either Shawn Johnson, Nastia Liukin or Valeri and Anna Liukin. Lyrics are "Home" by Daughtry. Credit goes to Chris Daughtry.
AN: Ok, y'all..another trip to Shawn/Nastialand from Nastia's POV. This came to me after reading "Lullaby" by brassbikini on olympic_slash. Thanks to brassbikini for inspiring me, and being a most able beta reader. And, I value feedback. Please comment or email me at to tell me how you like this. Thanks.

I'm staring out into the night,
Trying to hide the pain.
I'm going to the place where love
And feeling good don't ever cost a thing.
And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain.

Well I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old,
So I'm going home.
Well I'm going home.

The miles are getting longer, it seems,
The closer I get to you.
I've not always been the best man or friend for you.
But your love remains true.
And I don't know why.
You always seem to give me another try.

So I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old,

Be careful what you wish for,
'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all,
And then some you don't want.
Be careful what you wish for,
'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all, yeah.

Oh, well I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old.
I said these places and these faces are getting old,
So I'm going home.
I'm going home.

I love it when Shawn and I sleep together. Not because of the most obvious reason, though I do love making love to my girl. It's when she sleeps. Most of the time, she sleeps on top of me, since I like to sleep on my back. What's really cute is that when we go to bed, she wraps herself around me almost like a boa constrictor, and then lays her head on my shoulder and sighs contentedly. It makes my heart melt just thinking about it. She's cute and sweet and sexy all at the same time.

We started sleeping together after we discovered how we really felt about each other. Sex didn't figure into the picture at first. I was dreading not having her in bed with me at night. I just love watching her sleep, feeling her heart against mine, the rhythm of her breathing, how she trusts me to hold her while she's at her most vulnerable. I've never felt so safe or secure with anyone else, and I know she feels the same way about me.

Just thinking about it.. dreaming about it.. made me wish I were anywhere but here.. in this huge limo in Los Angeles with my dad. We were going to Jay Leno's show. Dad saw that I wasn't my usual talkative self, staring out the window, watching LA go by almost without saying a word. I was lonely, and my father knew something was up.

"Nastia, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, Dad." I replied, glumly. Yup, I was in a mood.

"You forget who you're talking to," he said in Russian. He was having none of it.

Switching to Russian was safer. The paparazzi are crazy in LA, and I didn't want anything we were saying to end up on TMZ in an hour. The media had been on my ass from the moment our plane touched down.

"So," my dad continued. "What's wrong?"

I couldn't lie to him. He's my dad, not just my coach.

"Shawn." I answered with a sigh. "I miss her."

He smiled. "I know, Nastia."

My head immediately shot up, noticing the change in his tone of voice.. it was gentler. Softer. "What?"

"I know.. about you and Shawn," he said, taking a deep breath. "That you love her. That you're not just friends."

I gaped at him, astonished. I thought we had covered our tracks. The whole time in Beijing, we were careful not to expose ourselves. I was afraid at how my parents would react.. and yet my dad knew anyway. He knew me.

"Anastasia Valeryevna," Dad said sternly, using the traditional form of address. "How couldn't I know? The way you two smile at each other...." Dad grinned, remembering when he was my age and falling in love with my mom. "Reminds me so much of your mother and I."

I blushed and smiled back at him. "Really?"

Dad nodded, not losing that big grin. "Da. You two together.. well, to me that's natural. I'm not angry with you at all. You're my daughter. That doesn't change. Now, the folks at USAG might be upset if they find out. But to hell with them. If you and Shawn are happy together, I'll make sure those people don't have a thing to say about it."

I smiled, remembering the lyrics to Shawn's favorite song. Careful what you wish for, 'cause you just might get it all.

And I did. I got it all. The medals.. those were the only thing I really wanted. They came with fame, however, and I knew that from the beginning. Dad told me about the others before me who had done it: Olga, Nadia, Mary Lou.. and what the fame had done to them. We had to be careful about this and to not buy into it too much. Fame's nice, but this media tour was dragging me down. Dad knew it. He insisted that after Leno we would go home. No more talk shows or appearances. Back to work.. to normalcy.. whatever that was anymore. But there was one more thing before that happened: my victory parade at home.


The reception when we got back to Texas was awesome. It was incredible to see people I haven't seen in years, all kinds of hugs and congratulations.The parade was fun, but it wasn't as fun as it would've been with Shawn by my side. All this attention was draining me. Dad still knew it. That's why we got back to Plano as soon as we could.

Mom was waiting for us. After all the hugs and kisses, I got into my room although I did think it weird that my parents were following me, huge smiles on their faces, like something was up that I didn't know about. I opened the door.. and there, asleep from jet lag, was Shawn.

I turned to my mom and dad, who stood there grinning like fools.

"How long?" I asked in Russian.

"The rest of the summer." Dad grinned. "Her parents said it was okay."

"I love you guys," I responded, tears running down my face. I knew what this meant.. they accepted us.

"We love you too, Stasia," Mom said. "This doesn't change that."

"I was kinda worried," I admitted.

"Stasia," Dad replied, "Sure. We're from the 'old school' as you kids say, but we're not that behind the times."

Dad gathered Mom and I in a huge hug, and held us for a long time. Then, he broke it up. "I'm sure you need a nap."

So I went into my room, softly closed the door and changed into my comfy clothes. Wearing an old t-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts I stole from my dad, I got into bed with my girl, trying to not to wake her up. She stirred anyway, and I was met with the sleepiest of smiles. It was the best welcome home present I'd ever gotten.


I grinned back. "Hey, yourself."

"Your parents are awesome, you know that?" Shawn replied, sliding into her usual spot.. right on top of me. She sighed again, happy to be back in my arms. She had missed me too.

"Damn right." I grinned. "How'd your parents..?"

"They're not mad, if that's what you're thinking," Shawn grinned back. "Actually they said we remind them of them when they were younger."

"Funny." I said, nuzzling Shawn's cheek. "That's what my parents said to me."

"Yup," Shawn responded, snuggling close to me. "This is just meant to be, Staska."

I had to laugh. Once upon a time, Shawn didn't know that much Russian. Using -ka behind a name wasn't exactly.. well.. nice. Russian nicknames are tricky, but my girl didn't know that. I ignored it at the time and taught her the basics later.

"Ya daryu tebe svayu lyubov," I whispered back, using one of the phrases I had taught her in Beijing.

"Love you too, Stasi," Shawn murmured, falling asleep again.

I just laid there and watched her sleep until I finally felt myself drifting off. I felt safe and secure again. I sighed, burying my face in her shoulder.

'Finally,' I thought. 'I'm home.'

Thursday, August 28, 2008

OK, another one I posted at Olympic Slash....

Doc Marten
(NOTE: This came to me after reading a story on Olympic Slash-it's obvious I'm not the only one who sees this. The Disclaimer cometh: This is a work of fiction and is meant to be taken as such. This is no indication of the actual personality, sexual orientation or relationship of Shawn Johnson or Nastia Liukin. If you don't like depictions of two women in a romantic relationship, DO NOT READ THIS. Get a life instead. And as always, I value feedback. Please email me at to let me know what you think of this. Thanks.)

After the medal ceremony, Nastia went to the dressing room, where Shawn was. She had to know-why was Shawn still so happy? She couldn't understand why the girl she had come to regard as her closest friend in the world had taken the results in stride like that. Nastia strode into the locker room and heard a familliar voice-one she knew as well as any in her world.
"Hey! The best person won tonight..and it wasn't me. I can live with that."
Nastia sat on the bench next to Shawn's locker, and studied the girl intently.
"What happened?" Nastia asked. "You always hit."
"I hit tonight." Shawn grinned. "So? That didn't matter. You did better."
Nastia couldn't figure out why Shawn wasn't depressed, upset or even crying. Hell, the entire mainstream media had already anointed her "the new Mary Lou", and yet there Shawn was. Not even fazed.
"I couldn't beat you." Shawn confessed. "The last time that were so sad. I couldn't even look you in the eyes afterwards."
"Why?!" Nastia answered. "It's not called.."
"Gymnicetics." Shawn grinned back. She took a deep breath, ready to go out on a limb.
It's funny, she thought. I can do double twisting back flips on a four inch piece of wood raised 5 feet from the ground and not even think of it, but this?....I'm scared to death.
"Nastia." Shawn began. "I couldn't beat you tonight..I knew how badly you'd take it if you lost again. I can't ever hurt you-you're too important to me. I love you."
"Love me like what?" Nastia asked, crossed fingers hidden behind her back. It was during the floods in Shawn's native Iowa that she realized just how important to her Shawn really was, and how empty her world would be should something happen to her.
"Well...not sure how to say this." Shawn grinned slightly. "I wanna....well, let's put it this way. You remember that last boyfriend you had?"
Nastia chuckled, remembering how much Shawn had disliked the guy she was seeing at the time. He was on the men's team, and basically flirted with everything that had a skirt, which hurt Nastia deeply. She had been in deep like with the guy-until she saw him kiss another girl.
"Yeah." Nastia laughed. "You were right-he turned out to be a jerk. But I don't see where this is goin', Little Bit."
Damn, did Shawn hate that nickname. The only reason she put up with it was because Nastia herself had given it to her. Another deep breath was drawn from her lungs, ready for the final confession.
"I wanted to be him. I couldn't believe he'd mess up a chance to have you, because he was tryin' to be somethin' he wasn't." Shawn shook her head, not able to go on for a moment. "I'd give every medal I've ever won if I could have you as my girl."
"When did you figure it out?" Nastia answered, curious. "When did you know how you felt about me?"
Shawn whipped out her Razr phone and intently searched for a certain text message. One she had recieved during the floods that almost destroyed Chow's Gymnastics. She found it, and then handed the phone to Nastia, blushing slightly.
Nastia gazed at the small screen and found this:
"If you need anything, let me know. I'm praying for you. I love you."
Their eyes met, and for a moment there was nobody else in the room. Nothing else mattered to either girl but each other. Nastia closed the phone and smiled, moving closer to the girl who had stolen her heart.
"I love you too, Little Bit." Nastia whispered, moving to claim the younger girls lips with a kiss.
I still hate that name. Shawn thought, in the middle of a kiss that could melt the polar ice cap. But-I can live with it.

Monday, August 18, 2008

OK, I also posted this at Olympic Slash..and I'm doing the same here...

Doc Marten
(NOTE: Yup, it's Liukin/Johnson again, only it's songfic, and from the POV of Shawn after the UB final. The disclaimer cometh: This is a work of FICTION, and is to be taken as such. This story is no indication of the actual sexual orientation, personalities or actual relationship of either Shawn Johnson or Nastia Liukin or Chellsie Memmel for that matter, and is not to be taken as such. If you are offended by depictions of two young women in a romantic relationship, STOP RIGHT HERE. DO NOT READ THIS. Get a life instead. The lyrics to the song She are copyright to Jen Foster, and no infringement on her original copyright is intended. That song just fit this. And as always, feedback is wanted, needed and appreciated, either here or at my email:

I've heard it said so many times
Love is blind
So why are you staring?
You say that love is all we need
Well, does that apply to me?

Cause I have found someone
That I think is beautiful
And I have fallen in love
And I'm telling you

Means everything to me
Makes me feel like nothing else matters
Not even what the world thinks of me

They told me when i was a little girl
Love's a pearl
You're lucky if you find it
So, share that precious beauty with the world
Now suddenly they say
I've got to hide it

But I have found true love
And there is nothing you can do
Just try to stop me
Just try to stop us
Good luck to you

Means everything to me
Makes me feel nothing else matters
Not even what the world thinks of me

It's simple as can be
I love her, she loves me
It's what everybody dreams of
There's nothing to be afraid of
After all, it's only love
Jen Foster
Nothing in the world makes me madder than to see Nastia upset. And she was. She just got royally screwed for a Chinese girl in the Uneven Bars final-and THIS time I got the higher grade medal than she did. It didn't make me happy. Not in the slightest. Not when my Nastia was hurting.
But Nastia wasn't upset at all. Surprisingly.
"Hey, you got it over me this time." She grinned.
She knows how to fake it pretty well, but only to people who don't know her. Me? I know her better than anyone in the world-outside of her mom and dad. So I knew my girl was aching inside. And there was nothing I could do about it except hold her close to me and remind her of what she is in my life.
So, I did.
I'm sure there's questions about Nastia and I. Yeah, I know..frickin' USAG. They try to make us look ultra feminine and cutsey when most of us gymnasts just ain't like that-we're about as butch as firefighters. And it sucks. So-they shrink away from any sort of controversy. And God forbid if they ever found out about us. But-do I care? Naah. They can think what they want to about Nastia and me. I just know she's the most important thing in my life outside of my parents and gymnastics. And I don't know what I'd do without her. I tucked my chin in her shoulder like I always do while we were watching TV. No, we didn't watch the competition. Instead, we were watching some old episodes of Xena in Chinese.
It was rather funny and I tried to joke with her, but Nastia wasn't having it. Not tonight.
She glanced at me and smiled a little bit. "Y'know, they're gonna start asking questions."
I glanced back at her. "So?"
She looked rather surprised at my reaction. "You ain't worried about what the federation would think?" She asked. "How about those endorsements?"
"No." I answered back, rather firmly. "All I know is that I love you. You make me happy. If USAG has a problem with it, it's their problem, not mine. I don't do gymnastics for the money."
Nastia grinned. "Y'know, for a short chirpy thing, you sure have some guts."
I smiled back, remembering when Chellsie called me that. "I might be a short chirpy thing, but I know a great thing when I see it." I kissed her softly. "You're that great thing."
"I wish I felt that way right now." Nastia sighed.
"Honey, you were screwed by the judges." I responded. "Remember where we are."
"Yeah. I know." Nastia sighed. "I wouldn't blame Sac if she just said fuck it and went back to school. I've felt like doing the same."
"So, why didn't you?"
Nastia glanced at me, ducking her head slightly. She smiled.
"Me?" I said, rather surprised at her answer. "Why me?"
"I love you, Shawnie. Don't forget that. Ever." My girl shot back at me. "I know what you're thinking..I look like a chipmunk, short chirpy thing, Nastia has a squirrel fetish, bla, bla, bla." She then brushed a stray hair off my face. "You're beautiful to me. You're the most important thing in my life outside of my mom and dad. And you're right-fuck USAG if they don't get us. I could care less about that either."
I grinned back, and then we shared a kiss that could melt the polar ice cap. My Nastia's gonna be OK. Damn, I love that girl.


I posted this on Olympic, I'm doing it here..

No Matter What

Before Shawn went on floor, Nastia stopped and took her hand.
"No matter what happens, I love you. Nothing gets in the way of us-not even a gold medal."
Shawn glanced slightly at the girl she had come to love, and smiled. As usual, Nastia read her mind.
"No matter what." Shawn replied, squeezing Nastia's hand. "I love you, too."
They walked away, Shawn to her floor exercise, and Nastia to the sidelines to root for her partner.
It was a slight moment, and yet spoke volumes.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A humble example of what I'm talking about, inspired by the Team FInal last night...

(NOTE: This takes place after Beijing Team Finals, and it's Peszek/Sacramone. Before anyone bitches, this is a work of FICTION, and is to be taken as such. This is no indication of the actual sexual orientation or personality of either Sam Peszek or Alicia Sacramone. If you're offended by the idea of two women in a romantic relationship, tough shit. DON'T READ THIS. And-as always, I value feedback. Please email me at to let me know what you thought of this. Thanks.)

"Sac, I'm sorry."
The words echoed through our room, still dark, Alicia sitting on the bed. I didn't think she heard me, so I said the words louder.
"Sac, I'm...."
"I heard you." She answered me softly.
"It's not your fault." I answered, touching her shoulder, then sitting on the bed next to her. "We've been training too much."
"I fell, though." She answered back.
"Nastia stepped out of did Shawn." I answered back, shrugging. "It's not their fault, either."
"So, now what? What do I do?" Alicia asked, turning towards me. "I go back to Brown without what I wanted?!"
"No." I said, "We didn't win the gold-we won the silver. That's life-and it goes on."
"It's not over." She answered. "It can't be over."
"Why not?"
"You're still here. I'm still here."
"Yeah, but..."
"Sam." She said, turning towards me in the dark. The moonlight flooded the room and made her look more beautiful than she already was. "Why are you still here? With me?"
The question threw me off guard-I didn't anticipate Sac changing the subject so quickly. "What do you mean?"
"Why are you still hanging around me? I must have told you to go away so many times it's not even funny."
"Because." I answered. "I love you."
Oh, shit. Did I just say that? I don't think I just said that...oh, shit...I just said that. I'm not like THAT, am I? I mean..there's nothin' wrong with liking girls, but...
A million thoughts ran through my mind, all along those lines. At first, Alicia just laughed. I don't think she thought I meant what I actually did.
"You love me like what?" She asked with a big grin on her face. She has a funny way of getting the truth out of somebody. Of course, the committee in my head just made things worse. OK, dig yourself into a bigger hole, Samantha. I thought.
Thank God Alicia wasn't one of those snobby mean bitches. If she was, I would have been in worse trouble than I already was. "I love you." I repeated, thinking Fuck it. If she hates me, she hates me. I can't live with this anymore.
I braced myself, waiting for the letdown-gentle or not. Instead, Alicia gently tipped my chin up, so our eyes could meet as one of her arms went around me, her hand resting on the bed.
" love me, huh?" Alicia grinned, suddenly not so upset after falling in the biggest meet of her life. "Love me like what, Sam? Answer my question."
" a girlfriend." OK, what's with all the honesty, Samantha? I asked myself. All of a sudden, I wasn't so shy like I usually am. That's when I noticed the big smile on Alicia's face suddenly get bigger than it already was.
"OK, now it's your turn to answer a question." I began. "What's with the smile?"
Huge grin, those big brown eyes twinkling..bending her head slightly..pausing before answering my question. That's the image I think of when I think of this moment. And it's the most wonderful image in the world to me. Damn, that girl is sexy.
"Sam.." Alicia's face inched closer to mine, and she whispered, "I love you too."
Oh. My. God. She's kissing me!! Holy shit..ok, Sam..wake up, time to get ready to train...
But it wasn't a dream. It was real.

Monday, August 11, 2008

In time for the Olympics....

I'm going to start publicizing this blog a little more, but first, I feel like I need to clarify some things.
1) No sexually explicit stories. This is meant for ROMANTIC slash stories, not sexfic.
2) Don't slash underage couples. This is not a hangout for pedophiles.
3) Every story must have a disclaimer. They're not that hard to do. Just say something like this: This story is a work of fiction, and not indicative of the actual personality or sexual orientation of the people involved. Since this IS an RPF site, it's a good idea to have such a disclaimer on your fic-it's called Cover Your Ass.
4) Please remember there is a reason every word processing software on the planet has something called spellcheck. USE IT. I'm not an editor-I'm just publishing this.
5) Finally, if you want to comment on the stories, use the comment function. And PLEASE, don't be rude about what you say-honest, yes-but not rude. There is a way to offer constructive criticism besides "Man, that sucks!"
AND-I haven't forgotten that I promised to post the first story on here. Almost done.